Saturday, July 10, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Braylon!!

My big boy turns 3 today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRAYLON! Mommy, Daddy and Avery all love you so much.

You are an amazing little boy. You love to snuggle and give kisses, but you are also a very rough and tumble little boy. You will pretend to do karate (thinking of putting you in classes) jump off of anything, wrestle with anybody. You are definitely ALL BOY! You talk so well now. Almost too well (you like to tell mommy and daddy how it is). You are picking up on EVERYTHING we say. You are a very independent little boy who likes to do everything himself. You are still a very picky and little eater. You are almost completely potty trained. Accidents are few and far between now, but we still put you in pull ups at nap and night time. Most of the time you even stay dry through that. We are so proud to be your mommy, daddy and sissy. We had an amazing year watching you grow and develop. Can't wait for whats to come in this next year!

We had Braylon's B-Day party last Saturday at my parents house (Dinosaur Themed). We had a great time. Good food, cake and ice-cream and even Fireworks!! Braylon got a lot of fun new toys for outside. Plenty to keep him busy. A new bike, helmet and knee pads, slip and slide, kites, baseball tee, horse shoes, Toy Story car and undies, Toy Story shirts, play dinosaurs, bug collector. (I even made his little dinosaur shirt to match his theme!)

Here are Braylon's 3 year statistics:
(I think someone is going to be tall like their daddy!)
Height: 39.75 inches (97th percentile)
Weight: 33 lbs (75th percentile)
We plan to take Braylon to his first movie theater experience today to see Toy Story 3! I plan to take lots of pictures!

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